Sunday, August 19, 2007

When I began-Update Apr21 07

The craziest thing just came to my attention one morning. Does anyone remember the day in their life when they had a flu or cold? When friends and family would give you all of their home remedies to cure it, but the one thing that stood out the most was to put some clothes and stay in bed under the covers and sweat it out. Why? Because you had to burn the sickness out. You are under the covers sweaty sticky and just plain uncomfortable with an extremely runny nose while costantly coughing up mucus which everyone said was the cold/flu escaping your body.
I know many of us do not exercise for the simple fact that you are guaranteed an OB. Plus all of us know, that whom that shall remain nameless, is a lipid covered virus which means it is protected by fat. In addition we know it is anaerobic which means it survives without oxygen.
So what do we know about over-weight people. They don't exercise and they store fat. Fat that can protect all kinds of illnesses.
We all know when we workout we sweat. We sweat because we are burning fat that is fueling our energy that carrys OXYGEN all over body's.
Are you seeing the connection yet?!?
EVeryone knows when you workout regularly, your body is healthier, but most importantly your body becomes a faster than usual self-healer. This explains why my few ob episodes healed faster from drinking oxygenated water with the application of peroxide & dmso on the ob itself. I am directly putting oxygen on it without exercise.
This may sound crazy, but I am going to begin a vigirous aerobic work-out schedule, while continuing my daily oxygenated water and vitamin intake. Just like when I started drinking the oxygenated water I had a mild ob that healed quickly because of the extra oxygen. It could have been attempting to burn it out the same way I would burn out a cold or flu. So I am expecting to a have some sort of OB. This ob I am afraid, it could be very mild or very severe. And if I am right they will continue to heal as quickly as they come to the point where they sould not show up anymore especially during a workout. Why? Because I am possibly breaking down its fatty protective shell so oxygen can get to the virus itself and burn it out.
We all here on the tv "There is no cure for the common cold or flu", and those are highly contagious viruses as well. But they continuously sell products that try to make you heal faster when the best thing for you is vitamin charged fluids like Orange juice, a good soup, and staying in bed and sweating it out. There is no cure for the common cold or flu but you can get rid of it. You just constantly catch it over and over again from being around sickly people, unclean environments, or poorly cooked foods.
Well since this virus is a stronger beast than the cold or flu we all know it is obviously going to take more work to burn it out.
So those of you that have had professional Oxygen treatments. Ask your doctor about exercising and see what they suggest for you.
I will be going out of town in a week and I do not want an ob during this time. so I will wait until I return to start this program. And just like I gave all the detail updates from drinking the water I will keep you posted on how this works as well.
Other than that, So far I am still doing well. Like I said before, I will keep this up until I can pay for my own professional Auto-Hemo treatments. Plus if anyone has already tried exercising let me know if you had an ob or not. In the meantime here are some updates from members who have undergone the treatment and from others with some info to share.
Message from Leann====================================================================hey, well i have some good news. i started to have a OB and i put the oil on the area before the OB and i never got one. i have done this 2 times and have not had one yet. so please pass this on. just a heads up it REALLY BURNS BAD for a bit.====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Fdoubledees====================================================================This is the center I am going too. Check her out Synergy Medical Clinic ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Darryl====================================================================Hi Alicia,
I was doing some research on cold sores last night, and this article came up. I don't wont to cause any alarm, but it's about a link between cold sores and Alzheimer's and the articles I've find are dated this year so I'm not sure everyone knows about this. Do you know if it's authentic? ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Keena====================================================================Hi Alicia. Over the past few weeks, I have really been researching for treatments and clinics. I was fueled by my second outbreak last month because it had started to depress me. Anyway I've found a clinic nearby where the doctor is willing to help me. First, I asked him about the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy just to be sure if he would be willing, and he told me that he would gladly administer it and that I needed to do 3 treatments 3 days in a row since I was newly infected. The treatments will cost me $75 dollars each which will only be $225. After that, I asked him about the autohemotherapy. Ok, on his site he doesn't list that treatment but I wanted to ask him just in case he knew about it. Well, turns out he does do the autohemotherapy and he said it would be "very helpful". I told him that I knew by law he couldn't say it was a cure and that I didn't want to get him in a lot of trouble. He said the IV therapies would range between $60-$100. He also said that I would have to do a VEGA assessment to determine the extent of viral involvement, so that he could decide which treatment would be best for me. Don't know what that is but I think its probably to see how advanced the virus is in my body. The facility is outside Atlanta and I'm planning on going as soon as my semester ends. Also, I also wanted to ask your opinion on this, do you think I should try to induce an outbreak right before my treatment so that I can activate dormant viruses so that they all can be oxidized? I just thought of it and it seems like a pretty great idea. Anyways, I'm talking way too much but I wanted to give you every detail. Please pray for me and I hope to hear from you soon ====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------
Message from Carrie====================================================================Hi there- I hope things are well on your end. I wanted to give you an update. You are welcome to share with group.
Over my spring break I went up to New York to see Dr. Barnes. What a wonderful group of people!! I have nothing but nice things to say about them. Anyways, I did one uv therapy treatment for 5 consecutive days. Prior to going up there, I had a consistent OB for 2 solid months. It has been 3 weeks now, and nothing. I still apply hydrogen peroxide morning and night, but that's it. I feel better than I ever have. Thank you for bringing this treatment to my attention. Dr. Barnes recommends I do at least 2 more treatments to be on the safe side, so I am saving my money in order to go back up there. They say the effects of the treatment last up to a month. Because New York is so far from me, I going to Nashville to get a vitamin C drip next month, which also has oxidative properties. I am hoping to head back to NY this summer. They also gave me an HSV symplex 2 protocal. I will type that up at some point this week and send it to you. I have had this virus for 6.5 months, and everyone's immune system is different so the number of treatments needed varies per person. Oh, my insurance will not pay for another test until October, so I will not know if I test negative until then. Thanks again for all you do!
2 Messages from Jr ====================================================================Hey ! Just wanted to let you know im at Dr. Barnes office right now getting this done. It seems like its a simple treatment really. I have four more days of this and I should be done. The clinic is really helpful with everything but you can tell that its almost experimental. The results are not guaranteed but for the amount of money that it is you really cant beat it but well see what happens. Thought I wiuld keep ya informed.
Ok well Im back. The whole treatment was fairly easy actually. The IV and the UVB treatment is only 150 dollars every time and they recommend for our situation for you to run it for 5 days. There is also a 125 dollar consultation fee. In total the treatment for the week is $875 They dont guarantee that this will do it as the other 10,000 dollar clinics dont either but they say it works damn good. You also get a book telling you how to treat this problem after the treatment. So far I do not see a big change since I just got back ofcourse but yes I do see changes already. They recommended to wait a month to let all this seep in and work. I will keep you updated on the status of my health as time progresses but the Dr. does tell you that you should not need to take anymore Valtrex or any of that mess after this. I bought a ton of vitamins while I was there including DMSO and HYDRO peroxide which they have in hand. until I get tested I will be using these for the next couple of months before I do. I know that if this doesnt work then I just have to bite the bullet and just admit there is no immediate cure for this but I will continue treatment for sure anyway in hope that it does go away. Its better to loose 1000 dollars trying then 10,000 in europe trying.====================================================================--------------------------------------------------------------------